Past Events

11 past events found for the year 2006.
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Measuring Underlying Inflation

Tuesday, 28 November, 2006
Lunchtime Briefing
Dr Tony Richards, Head of Economic Analysis, Reserve Bank of Australia

Addressing the Global Challenge - the G20

Wednesday, 8 November, 2006
Lunchtime Briefing
Dr Martin Parkinson, Executive Director (Macroeconomic Group), The Treasury

Economic conditions and prospects

Wednesday, 11 October, 2006
Annual Dinner
Mr Glenn Stevens, Governor, Reserve Bank of Australia

Outlook 2007

Wednesday, 11 October, 2006
Annual Conference
Dr David Gruen, The Treasury; Mr Peter Hartcher, The Sydney Morning Herald; Mr Rob Henderson, National Australia Bank; Mr Stephen Halmarick, Citigroup; Ms Besa Deda, Commonwealth Bank of Australia; Mr Bill Evans, Westpac Banking Corporation

Property Outlook 2006-07

Tuesday, 22 August, 2006
Lunchtime Briefing
Mr Mark Bouris, Chairman, Wizard Home Loans; Mr Ian Rogers, Editor, The Sheet

The conduct of monetary policy

Thursday, 13 July, 2006
The Anika Foundation
Mr Glenn Stevens, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of Australia

AOFM Debt Management Activities 2006-07

Wednesday, 5 July, 2006
Lunchtime Briefing
Mr Neil Hyden, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Office of Financial Management

The Rise of the Indian Economy and Implications for the Australian Economy

Wednesday, 14 June, 2006
Lunchtime Briefing
Mr Mark Thirlwell, Program Director - International Economy, Lowy Institute for International Policy

Federal Budget 2006-07: Forecasts and risk, strategy and priorities

Tuesday, 16 May, 2006
Lunchtime Briefing
Dr Ken Henry, Secretary to the Treasury

Building our prosperity - Labor's plan

Friday, 7 April, 2006
Lunchtime Briefing
The Hon Kim Beazley, Leader of the Opposition and Leader of the Federal Parliamentary Labor Party

The outlook for the US economy

Thursday, 16 March, 2006
Lunchtime Briefing
Dr Janet Yellen, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco